“The process of thinking is a simple one.
It is a swing of the cosmic pendulum from the stability of Mind substance to apparent instability and back again to stability.
The registration of this effect in the ocean of universal Mind is contained within the form of an elongated sphere, and all its vari ability and complexity may be read upon two exactly opposite spiral waves within two halves of that sphere.
Light, heat, electricity, magnetism, form, crystallization, sound, mass, the elements and compounds of elements, time, space, attraction,gravitation, force, energy, inertia, sex, life, death, sleep, memory, the soul of all things and the complex idea of all things, in fact, all that man can comprehend of this universe, can be spelled out, in their beginnings, on these two opposing spiral waves within one sphere, and on through to their endings in nine other increasingly larger though flattening spheres, or ellipsoids.
These two opposing spiral waves within one sphere represent the entire simple process of thinking, but not the entire variability of the effect of thinking.
They represent the beginning or highest octave in the cycle of thinking, of which there are ten.
The simple process of thinking is repeated exactly in the ten octaves, but with periodic variability and complexity of registered effect.
All variability and complexity of registered effect is orderly in variation and complication; and thus are all effects comprehensible to that man who has knowledge of the cause of those effects.
Everywhere throughout its entirety the Mind substance is in constant agitation, undergoing the orderly process of thinking….
There is no other energy.
The universe is Mind only.”
- Walter Russell