OmniCore Tech Lecture at the Mount Shasta Cosmic Conference

What a wonderful time we had vending and presenting at the Mount Shasta Cosmic Conference! Here are a few messages that were included in the presentation.

In resting into your true seat of power, the centering stillness within, you reconcile all converging polarities within you.

These include:

•The higher and lower self (subtle and gross)
•Masculine and Feminine
•Conscious and unconscious (known and unknown)
•Inner child and elder

In this pure neutral space all questions may be answered and all darkness comes to light. The greatest gift may be bestowed to all if only they should recognize and appreciate it.

If only you knew how many worlds and universes exist within you. All spiraling towards some unfathomable destiny. One thing is certain throughout all mass in motion, in all times and spaces. Stillness reigns supreme, centering all seemingly separate wave fields and dimensions. Like the very connective tissue or mycelium neural network of the Cosmic Mind, binding all life together as the One Paramount Fulcrum of every wave in motion. From the primordial Still Void we sprung and to it we will return. And despite everything your physical senses tell you, we never left the womb.

Through earth, water, and stone we must brave as we descend into the cavernous layers of the inner self. Steeped in ancient memory and awareness are the porous walls of the shadowy subconscious. Just waiting for us to acknowledge and recognize that which resonates in our very bones. Calling us to rekindle the fires of divinity deep within the wellspring of the soul. All the world’s suffering is the result of the refusal of this call. Liberation comes to those who accept and step into the flames of transmutation and the waters of forgiveness to be reborn anew, where the elixir of life awaits the distilled and purified spirit, ready to be shared with the whole of the world!

When you live in accordance with divine natural law you tap the knowing mind of Creator, through the stillness that centers and zeros out all wave fields in motion. Walter Russell said, “you have to stop thinking in order to KNOW how to think.” In this way, one may know how to utilize the two-way rhythmic thinking mind of man, while always drawing from STILL source, effortlessly tapping the flow state of the genius where all masterpieces are born. It puts you in the zone! OmniCore is illustrating “the zone” and is the ultimate 3d blueprint for:

Perfect health
Golden age civilization
Latent gifts and superpowers
Life eternal
The unified field theory
Free energy

 In my journey, I have found that the most effective teachers of life realize we are all students learning from eachother. They know that In the spiritual sky, there is no class, rank, or one person with superior knowledge. The arcane knowledge and wisdom of eternity dwells within us all and only needs to be tapped through deep listening and presence. It is this simple understanding that makes one a true teacher, not some self-appointed title or government issued certification. I have learned more about wholesome authentic living from the humble servant, so grateful for a simple home-cooked meal, the child who finds wonder in the basic workings of physics, the selfless unconditional love of a devoted mother, the calm grounded steadfastness of a loving father, and the elder who despite their ailing body, finds abiding peace in a painted sunset. All of nature and life is here to teach us, and only by receiving the bounty of its treasures may we effectively teach others by example. We really are all walking each other home and the most valuable lessons don’t cost a penny, only a sincere open heart and mind.


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